Sewing Resolutions + 2024 Plans for Sewpapilla

Happy New Year!
Welcome to the Sewpapilla Blog in 2024. We wish you a happy and healthy New Year!
Let’s chat about upcoming plans and New Year sewing resolutions on the Sewpapilla Blog. You can keep reading about it here, or you can watch the video below. We are changing things up this year and can’t wait to share it with you!
We’ll discuss our new video schedule and our 4 resolutions and take a look at what to expect on the blog for 2024.
YouTube Video: 2024 Sewing Resolutions
YouTube Video Schedule

Starting with our video schedule on YouTube. We are launching videos every week on YouTube, on Sundays! On the @sewpapilla YouTube channel, we are sharing Behind the Brand, Fabric, and Pattern Hauls, along with inspiring Sew with Me videos, and much more!
Support our new channel and watch our videos weekly on Sundays! While you’re there, SUBSCRIBE to our channel and HIT the BELL for future notifications so you’ll know when we drop new videos! Make sure you LIKE and SHARE to let us know you are inspired so we can continue making new videos.

Right now, there’s a 24 for 2024 sewing resolutions trend going around the internet, and guys, I’m seriously not up for that. Kudos to you, but that sounds too overwhelming to me, let alone keeping one resolution this year. I mean, that’s great, but not for me.
I kept it easy and slow and did a 4 for 2024, and that’s what we’re going to discuss today. This seems more reasonable and less stressful; I’m sure you’ll agree! I’d love to hear what your resolutions are for 2024. Let me know in the comments below.
Now, let’s dive into the 4 resolutions for 2024. These are in no particular order.
4 for 2024 Sewing Resolutions

Resolution 1: Slow Down and Enjoy
I have four of them, and so the first one is to slow down and enjoy my creativity. My number one most important resolution for me is to continue to slow down and enjoy the process of my self-expression through my creativity.
Sewing is so relaxing and enjoyable to me; I enjoy it so much. The last thing I want to do is feel pressure to pump videos out every week without a purpose. Each sewing project that I send out to you means so much to me, and it’s with a purpose. So, I hope you can appreciate that as much as I do.

Resolution 2: Learn New Sewing Techniques
My number two resolution is to learn new sewing techniques. I want to learn new sewing techniques and push myself out of my comfort zone, such as creating textured detailing on the Yoke of a dress or a blouse and adding unique layers to a design.
And mastering a zipper! Come on, guys, I still struggle with sewing a zipper, and I don’t know what my problem is. I keep sewing the zippers on my garments backward, so yes, sewing techniques are number two. I’m going to get it down this year and possibly some other fun techniques.
I’ll make sure I share that with you along the way in 2024.

Resolution 3: Learn to knit a sweater
Now on to number three. My third resolution is not so much a sewing resolution, but it’s something that I really, really want to learn. I genuinely want to learn how to knit a sweater in particular.
I’ve never knitted anything, and I’m so intrigued with the process this year, and I’d like to try it. My 15-year-old granddaughter and I discussed taking a class, and I think we’re actually going to do it!
I’ll update you when that happens, and I’ll report how we did. I’ll definitely share it on my YouTube channel and here on the blog for you to see.

Resolution 4: Master Pattern Grading
Moving on to number four, resolution. Number four is to learn how to grade sewing patterns.
Just a little bit of a backstory. I have sewing experience with mostly home decor and simple craft sewing projects for many years. The last couple of years are when I started diving into sewing garments; then, I started self-drafting and draping my sewing patterns, which was surprisingly easy.
However, for some reason, grading patterns is not so much, so this last resolution is to learn how to grade sewing patterns. This way, I can then offer you free patterns so we can do projects together. I would be so tickled pink if you shared your results with me using my sewing patterns. I think that would just be absolutely amazing!
Well, guys, that’s it for my 4 for 2024 resolutions. Let me know which ones you feel are worthy resolutions, or comment below your favorite ones. Better yet, tell me what your New Year’s resolution for 2024 is going to be. I’d really love to hear about it.
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Upcoming Plans

Okay, so I’m moving on to the upcoming plans for this year. I wasn’t able to get to the Fall plans I had planned for the end of 2023. I had spine surgery and was down for many weeks. This surgery prevented me from getting things done.
Now that I’m getting around much better, I’m excited about what 2024 will bring here on the blog.
We are now sewing garments on the blog to create a self-made wardrobe of your dreams! I’m so excited about it! I hope you are, too. You’re going to see a lot of new sewing projects and learn a slue of techniques.
Since I didn’t get to start my Fall projects, they will be merged into the winter projects I have planned. I’ll have a video of the fabric and patterns I want to use. So make sure you tune in for that video on my YouTube Channel.
I’ll go over my sewing plans, my fabrics, and my sewing patterns. If you have not subscribed, please do so and hit that Bell to be notified!
Well, this is it for today, guys! Thank you for being here and for all of your support. It means absolutely so much to me! Keep an eye out for upcoming videos on our YouTube channel, and be sure to subscribe!
I hope your New Year’s Day was amazing and that you are well! Here’s to 2024!! Whether you have New Year Resolutions or goals for 2024, I wish you the best! We are going to sure try to meet the 4 for 2024 resolutions; if we don’t, that’s okay, too. It’s all about trying and doing our best!
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